In a few months we will see what might end up being the largest shift in the Core format for the WoW TCG since the games creation.
As the Drums block will rotate out, some of the most beloved and powerful cards will be removed from decks everywhere. With the Drums block going, we lose cards like Dethvir, Adam Eternum, Eye of the Storm, Undercity, Dimzir, Hesriana, and many others.
But with these gaps looking to be filled, it opens up spots for new cards to shine.
Cairne, Earthmother’s Chosen has already stepped up to be a staple in “dude” decks, often powering the ever popular Tuskarr Kite. Thrall has shown that he can win games dropping on turn 6. Saurfang powered by the Kor’kron Vanguard has already laid down a vicious beat through out the NACC in many of the popular Emek decks.
However we still have a lot of near-required cards hanging around a bit longer. Nathanos and Broderick will still be extremely popular in red lists. Broderick is so popular in fact he is almost and auto-include if you are a Horde hero.
Since Death Wish came from Scourgewar, you can expect to see it for a while longer. However without it’s good friend Jin’rokh it is more likely you will start seeing the aptly named “Dude Wish” with blue friends like Burly Berta rather than the excessive amount of equipment.
A lot of classes stand to lose a lot of their power. With Hesriana rotating out, players in love with huge bombs no longer have to fear that a 3-drop will completely destroy their game. I know one reason I opted to not play mid-range Death Knight at Nationals was the single-minded fear of Hesriana eating a Rehgar or Thrall. While that fear might have been exaggerated on my part, ask anyone who had their King Varian eaten by Hesriana how it felt.
Death Knight is posed to be in a great spot to show off how strong it can be. While many classes are losing many of their favorite cards, the Death Knight toolbox stays relatively untouched. Army of the Dead and Corpse Explosion smile when they think of the Dethvir’s they DON’T have to deal with. Gargoyle is happy to fill in the spot of resident face puncher. And with new sets coming up, I can think of a few Death Knight abilities that could possible be printed.
Priest might be losing Taste of Divinity and Divine Fury, but the inclusion of the Shadowfiend in the starter deck is great for the Priest player, and it might end up being that Shadow Priest is a viable alternative.
With the final set of the Worldbreaker block, Twilight of the Dragons, right around the corner, the European championship in a couple weeks, and the new block in a couple months, many players will be revisiting their decks in a way many players haven’t had to do yet.
Time will tell what classes get to stand in the spotlight this time around. For now, we still have at least a few more local battlegrounds, and the Midsummer Fire Festival this weekend giving us a few more chances to thank Dethvir for eating all the damage from a Corpse Explosion or laughing at a Puncture.